Seljaskóli library

Seljaskóli library is located in building one, across from the school office. It's bright and well-equipped with resources and furniture. The library aims to serve all students and teachers.

It offers a good workspace with access to printers and computers. Students can also come to play games, chess or read.



The library is an information center for students and staff. According to Compulsory School Act, school libraries are essential tools in education. The library supports learning and teaching by lending books, assisting with information searches, and encouraging reading for education and pleasure.

There's a strong emphasis on sparking student interest in reading and literature, providing suitable reading materials, and selecting engaging books. Enjoying good books and reading for knowledge and pleasure is crucial in modern society. A vibrant, fun and attractive library enhances students' interest in reading and books.


  • Assisting students and staff with information gathering
  • Sparking student interest in literature and reading good books
  • Guiding use of library resources
  • Encouraging reading of fiction and non-fiction


The library is open 8:30am-4pm daily except Wednesdays and Fridays, when it closes at 2pm.


The school library offers a selection of non-fiction and fiction books for students and staff to borrow. The library also has magazines, video content, class sets of novels, games and various teaching materials.

Library materials are organized using the Dewey Decimal System, with fiction sorted by author and non-fiction by subject. All library materials are registered in Alma, a new library system and shared catalog of Icelandic libraries. Information about the library collection is available on Students and parents can log in to (My Pages) with a special password to view their loan list or loan history. To access the system, service users need a valid library card and must enter their username (ID number) and password.



The library hosts various events, clubs and activities. These include Halloween, Christmas and Ash Wednesday celebrations. Authors regularly visit to present their books

Library instruction

Students in grades 1-5 receive regular library instruction. The main focus is introducing books to students in diverse ways to spark interest in reading.


The library has a Facebook page for eligible students, parents and staff. It advertises events and activities and provides updates on library happenings.


The librarian is Dröfn Vilhjálmsdóttir, a library and information specialist. Berglind Sigurgeirsdóttir also works part-time at the library.